nehiyaw Language Revitalization

As part of the nehiyaw Language Revitalization Initiative we are currently underway with gathering community data in terms of how much of our community is actively using and talking our native language.
It is common knowledge that our Cree language is quickly dying and without a community effort to grow and use the language within our community and homes, we will soon only see a limited amount of language speakers in our beautiful community of Ahtahkakoop.
In an effort to plan the best possible approach to what our community needs are in terms of revitalizing our language, we have compiled a community survey that will help us identify where we currently are in terms fluent and non fluent Cree speakers.
Please help us by participating in the community Cree Language survey by completing the survey link below, or you can contact one of our community surveyors listed below to visit your home to participate.
Jodie Albert, Estyn Hyman, Meena Turner, Miranda Badger, Caitlyn Badger, Jordan McNeilly, Mavis Benjamin, Frances Ahenakew