Career & Academic Advising
The role of the Graduation Coach is to help students reach their full potential in their high school careers, so they may be better prepared for their future. In doing so, I help and encourage students in selecting classes that they need to complete their high school, but yet help them select classes that will help in their future career by helping them select classes that will allow them to easily transfer to post-secondary educational training like the trades or vocational training. I also help them in selecting classes that will allow easy transition to professional training to University. Having the prerequisites to training makes it more accessible and time sensitive to completing their vocation or degree program.
Each student is uniquely different in which they have varied interests and goals unique to their aspirations. I encourage each student to try to see themselves in five to ten years to help them think so they may choose a career/job they will enjoy and be successful at for their children to see and enjoy.

Some difficulties arise like any other, but getting and keeping students motivated to stay in school and to work hard to complete assignments and deadlines, requires the input of all staff that deal with a particular student(s) daily to help and encourage students to attend classes regularly, so they may be successful in whatever job/career they may choose to follow. The difficulty of the past year which adversely affected two academic school years has been a challenge for many schools across the country and meeting the demands of online classes along with homework packages being sent home poses many obstacles for all involved to motivate their child(ren), themselves and the community to complete the tasks necessary for graduation. These challenges have given students more time to do things other than school work; therefore, creating problems for various students while some thrive at this opportunity.

In closing, being a Graduation Coach and teaching simultaneously has given me great satisfaction in helping students with choosing classes that will benefit them in the future and creating individuals who think of not only graduating, but thinking of the future that seems so far away yet right at the tips of their fingers.
Yours in Education,
Elwin Cameron
Graduation Coach/Teacher
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