Bus #1 – Kenny Hyman
Bus #2 – Sandra Sarhpwassum
Bus #3 – Eugene Little
Bus #4 – Dallas Peekeekoot
Bus #5 – Joey Ledoux
Bus #6 – Kenny Ledoux
Bus #7 – Brian Little
Bus #8 – Waylon Sasakamoose
Bus #9 - Stanley Masuskapoe
When the safety of transporting bus students is at risk because of weather conditions, our Principal, may choose to suspend school bus services and/or close schools.

Suspension of School Bus Services
Weather guidelines that support the decision to suspend bus services:
* Windchill of approximately -40°C
* Temperature of -40°C, Visibility of less than 1 kilometer, Impassable rural roads
The final decision to send a child on the bus rests with parents, even though buses may be operational.
Parents should ensure that students are dressed appropriately while travelling to and from school during inclement weather conditions. The temperatures on a school bus can drop dramatically in the event of mechanical problems.
“School buses are not running” means buses are not running for the entire day but the school is open to students for parents who wish to bring their child(ren) to school.
For more information contact:
Chief Ahtahkakohp School
Phone: 306.468.2854
Email: dianne.peekeekoot@tsec.ca