Welcome to our Center
We are pleased to welcome parents, guardians and children to the Ahtahkakoop Daycare Center. Our Daycare is a non-profit organization operated through a Board of Directors made up of Ahtahkakoop Members. We have a Parent Committee that is comprised of 4-6 parents, the Coordinator of the Daycare, and Education Coordinator. The Board will provide direction to the facility and will not be responsible for the day to day operation of the center. Ahtahkakoop Daycare Center has a review yearly by SITAG upon meeting their regulatory requirements.

Mission Statement
To provide a safe, cultural and academic learning environment for our children that foster the development of their emotional, physical, mental and spiritual growth within our community.

Our goal is to provide all children with a safe, nurturing and enjoyable learning environment that supports their development with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in school and in life.
A place where children can grow socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually, linguistically, culturally and spiritually.
To promote an appreciation of each child’s culture and language in a safe and learning environment.
To work in partnership with the parent/guardians, elders, community members and resource professionals to enhance the development of our children and to ensure that all children be cared for in a healthy, safe and secure environment.
Daycare programming will provide First Nations parents/guardians/extended family with assistance and support in enhancing and acquiring parenting and life skills through the activities such as workshops and information sessions.
We place a priority on making everyone feel welcome and comfortable in our programming.

Vision Statement
We Believe;
Each child is unique and develops at his/her own rate and it is the caregiver’s responsibility to adapt to each individual child.
That culture and language must be incorporated into everyday practices.
That the children learn by what they live, therefore our centre will provide positive role models and a variety of learning experiences offered by trained professionals who are knowledgeable in all aspects of child development and have an understanding of our culture.
That all children regardless of their physical, emotional, social abilities, spiritual or cultural background has the right to participate in our service.
That the children need a safe nurturing environment in order to become healthy, caring individuals.

Ages Served
The Ahtahkakoop Daycare Center serves 6 months – up to 12 years of age.
Parent Orientation
We recommend that the parents come in for a tour of the center. Parents can bring their child in a day before the start date, along with parent to spend time familiarizing the child to the daycare setting. This will help in the adjustment period and make it easier for transition time.
Upon enrolment, parents are required to fill out the following list of forms. These forms will be provided to the parents by the Coordinator before the child can attend daycare. It is important that these forms are kept up to date. Daycare fees are due on or before the first day of care. The list of parent forms include:
Agreement for Childcare Services
Child’s Health and Social Resume
Child’s Medical and Immunization Form
Child’s Emergency Information Card (Up-to-date Information)
Excursion and Transportation Consent
Parents complete the registration forms and sign an agreement form with the Ahtahkakoop Day Care Centre to reserve their child’s place.
The following are to be completed, as required:
Medication Form, Special Excursion Form, Minor Injury Report, and
Injuries/Unusual Occurrence Report.

Hours Of Operations
Monday – Friday 7:30am- 4:30pm

Closed for all statutory holidays:
New Year’s Day
Family Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Remembrance Day
Treaty Day
All Aboriginal Days
Civic Holiday
Labour Day
Aboriginal Awareness Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
If a Statutory holiday should fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before or the Monday after shall be considered the holiday.
If the school is open, the Day Care will be open to provide services. If the administration office is open and the school is closed, every attempt will made to have the Day Care Centre open to provide services.
Daycare Fees
Please note:
* FULLTIME: In attendance for 5 or more days per month
** PART TIME: In attendance less than 5 days per month or before and after school
Childcare fees are due on 1st of each month. It is expected that payments are made on time, alternatively, payment arrangements may be considered under special circumstances, please contact the Coordinator to discuss. Please be advised Late Payments may result in late fees and children losing their spot in the center.

Hours of Operation
Our hours of operation are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Children will be picked up between 9:00 to 10:00 am and dropped off between 2:00 to 3:00 pm.
On statutory holidays we will be closed.
Due to COVID we are doing a home-visit program delivery package every Tuesday and Thursday for the children that are enrolled into the program.